Thursday, December 27, 2012

Download and Upload files in Application Server

Download file from Application server
Tcode: CG3Y 

Upload files to Application Server
Tcode: CG3Z

Check files in AL11

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Dynamically make cell readonly in table web dynpro

Now assign to all the fields.

** condition for the editable or read only.
method WDDOINIT .

  DATA lo_nd_mara TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_node.
  DATA lt_mara TYPE wd_this->elements_mara.
  DATA ls_mara TYPE wd_this->element_mara.

* navigate from <CONTEXT> to <MARA> via lead selection
  lo_nd_mara = wd_context->get_child_node( name = wd_this->wdctx_mara ).

select matnr mtart mbrsh matkl meins from mara into corresponding fields of table lt_mara up to 10 rows.
  loop at lt_mara into ls_mara where matnr = '000000000000000010' or
 matnr = '000000000000000023' .
ls_mara-readonly = 'X'.
modify lt_mara from ls_mara transporting readonly where matnr = ls_mara-matnr.
lo_nd_mara->bind_table( new_items = lt_mara set_initial_elements = abap_true ).



Do Varying with Field symbols

call function 'HR_READ_INFOTYPE'
      tclas           = 'A'
      pernr           = iv_pernr
      infty           = '0027'
      begda           = iv_begda
      endda           = iv_endda
      bypass_buffer   = ' '
      infty_tab       = lt_p0027
      infty_not_found = 1
      others          2.

  if sy-subrc = 0.
    read table lt_p0027 into ls_p0027 index 1.
    do 12 times
          varying lv_bukrs from ls_p0027-kbu01 next ls_p0027-kbu02  "25
          varying lv_gsber from ls_p0027-kgb01 next ls_p0027-kgb02
          varying lv_kostl from ls_p0027-kst01 next ls_p0027-kst02
          varying lv_pkprz from ls_p0027-kpr01 next ls_p0027-kpr02

          varying lv_fcenter from ls_p0027-fct01 next ls_p0027-fct02 "12
          varying lv_fund from ls_p0027-fcd01 next ls_p0027-fcd02
          varying lv_farea from ls_p0027-fkber01 next ls_p0027-fkber02
          varying lv_grant from ls_p0027-grant01 next ls_p0027-grant02

          varying lv_order from ls_p0027-auf01 next ls_p0027-auf02 " order 25
          varying lv_wbs from ls_p0027-psp01 next ls_p0027-psp02 " wbs element 25

          varying lv_segment from ls_p0027-sgm01 next ls_p0027-sgm02 " SEGMENT 12
          varying lv_budget from ls_p0027-budget_pd01 next ls_p0027-budget_pd02." budget 12

      clear lv_t1018.

      ls_t1018-bukrs = lv_bukrs.
      ls_t1018-gsber = lv_gsber.
      ls_t1018-kostl = lv_kostl.
      ls_t1018-prozt = lv_pkprz.

      if ls_t1018-prozt is initial.

      ls_t1018-fistl = lv_fcenter.
      ls_t1018-fincode = lv_fund.
      ls_t1018-fkber = lv_farea.
      ls_t1018-grant_nbr = lv_grant.
      ls_t1018-aufnr = lv_order.
      ls_t1018-posnr = lv_wbs.
      ls_t1018-sgmnt = lv_segment.
      ls_t1018-budget_pd = lv_budget.
      append ls_t1018 to lt_t1018.

 code in Field Symbols : sample for 2 fields
** dynamic get the field value.
  field-symbols: <fs_burks> type any,   
                 <fs_fcenter> type any.

  data lv_index(2) type n.

  data: s_burkr(5) type value 'KBU  '
  data s_fcenter(5) type value 'FCT  '.

read table lt_p0027 into ls_p0027 index 1.
do 12 times.
   lv_index = sy-index.
   s_burkr+3(2) = lv_index.
   s_fcenter+3(2) = lv_index.

   assign component s_burkr of structure ls_p0027 to <fs_burks>.
   if <fs_burks> is assigned.
     lv_bukrs = <fs_burks>.

   assign component s_fcenter of structure ls_p0027 to <fs_fcenter>.
   if <fs_fcenter> is assigned.
     lv_fCenter = <fs_fcenter>.

ls_t1018-bukrs = lv_bukrs.
ls_t1018-fistl = lv_fcenter.
append ls_t1018 to lt_t1018.

end do.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Drop down in Table Web Dynpro

method wddoinit .

  data lo_nd_status_drop type ref to if_wd_context_node.
 data lt_status_drop type wd_this->elements_status_drop.
 data ls_status_drop type wd_this->element_status_drop.

 ls_status_drop-status_value = 'Resubmit All'.
 append ls_status_drop to lt_status_drop.

 ls_status_drop-status_value = 'Reject All'.
 append ls_status_drop to lt_status_drop.

 ls_status_drop-status_value = 'Approve All'.
 append ls_status_drop to lt_status_drop.

 data lo_nd_approval_mng type ref to if_wd_context_node.
 data lo_element type ref to if_wd_context_element.
 data lt_approval_mng type wd_this->elements_approval_mng.
 data ls_approval_mng type wd_this->element_approval_mng.
 data lv_status_value type wd_this->element_status_drop-status_value.
 data lo_el_status_drop type ref to if_wd_context_element.
* navigate from <CONTEXT> to <APPROVAL_MNG> via lead selection
 lo_nd_approval_mng = wd_context->get_child_node( name = wd_this->wdctx_approval_mng ).
* import the details of the table
 lo_nd_approval_mng->get_static_attributes_table( importing table = lt_approval_mng ).
 loop at lt_approval_mng into ls_approval_mng. " binding the drop down
   lo_element = lo_nd_approval_mng->get_element( sy-tabix ).
   lo_nd_status_drop = lo_element->get_child_node( 'STATUS_DROP' ).
   lo_nd_status_drop->bind_table( new_items = lt_status_drop set_initial_elements = abap_true ).

** set your values to the drop down

 data lv_index type sytabix.
 loop at lt_approval_mng into ls_approval_mng where status is not initial.
   lv_index = sy-tabix.
   lo_element = lo_nd_approval_mng->get_element( sy-tabix ).
   lo_nd_status_drop = lo_element->get_child_node( 'STATUS_DROP' ).
   lo_el_status_drop = lo_nd_status_drop->get_element( ).
     case ls_approval_mng-status.
       when 'KEEP'.
         lv_status_value = 'Resubmit All'.
       when 'REJ'.
         lv_status_value = 'Reject All'.
       when 'APPR'.
         lv_status_value = 'Approve All'.
*     * set single attribute
       name =  `STATUS_VALUE`
       value = lv_status_value ).
     modify lt_approval_mng from ls_approval_mng index lv_index
     transporting status.


Monday, November 19, 2012

Hide the Fields in the Adobe form

Source filed, based on this we need to hide or display fields

//Select value from list
var raw = data.resolveNode("data.#subform[0].ISR_DDL_NoSelected").rawValue;
if(raw == 11)
data.resolveNode("data.#subform[0].#subform[3].#field[16]").presence = "visible";
data.resolveNode("data.#subform[0].#subform[3].#field[17]").presence = "visible";
data.resolveNode("data.#subform[0].#subform[3].#field[16]").presence = "hidden";
data.resolveNode("data.#subform[0].#subform[3].#field[17]").presence = "hidden";

add code there.(in events with scripts)

Target fields

Add also add the same code in FORMREADY of source field

Useful code in Adobe forms:
read values

var value = data.resolveNode("data.#subform[0].I0962_RSREA").rawValue;
check with message box.. for the values exists or not;

Friday, October 26, 2012

Change Selection Text in Standard Program


        DATA: it_tab TYPE TABLE OF rsseltexts.
        DATA: is_tab TYPE rsseltexts.
        is_tab-name = 'ZPARAMETER'. " parameter name
        is_tab-kind = 'P'.  " P/S type
        is_tab-text = 'Manager'. " Description
        APPEND is_tab TO it_tab.    

            program                     'RCATS_DISPLAY_ACTIVITIES' " Report Name
            seltexts                    = it_tab
            program_not_found           = 1
            program_cannot_be_generated = 2
            OTHERS                      3.
        IF sy-subrc <> 0.
          MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
                  WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Function Modules for reading text descriptions

HOLIDAY_GET     Provides a table of all the holidays based upon a Factory Calendar &/ Holiday Calendar.

HR_BEN_GET_FROM_FEATURE_BAREA     Call the HR feature to determine the Benefit Area for an employee

HR_BEN_GET_FROM_FEATURE_BENGR     Call the HR feature to determine the Benefit Group for an employee

HR_BEN_GET_FROM_FEATURE_BSTAT     Call the HR feature to determine the Benefit Status for an employee

HR_BEN_GET_FROM_FEATURE_COVGR     Call the HR feature to determine the Cover Group for an employee

HR_BEN_GET_FROM_FEATURE_CSTV1     Call the HR feature to determine the CSTV1 feature for an employee

HR_BEN_GET_FROM_FEATURE_EECGR     Call the HR feature to determine the Employee Cost Group for an employee

HR_BEN_GET_FROM_FEATURE_ELIGR     Call the HR feature to determine the Eligiblity Group for an employee

HR_BEN_GET_FROM_FEATURE_ERCGR     Call the HR feature to determine the Employer Cost Group for an employee

HR_BEN_GET_FROM_FEATURE_EVTGR     Evaluate the EVTGR feature for an employee

HR_BEN_GET_FROM_FEATURE_FLXGR     Evaluate the FLXGR feature for an employee

HR_BEN_GET_FROM_FEATURE_LDAYW     Evaluate the LDAYW feature for an employee

HR_BEN_GET_FROM_FEATURE_LRPGR     Evaluate the LRPGR feature for an employee

HR_BEN_GET_FROM_FEATURE_TRMGR     Evaluate the TRMGR feature for an employee

HR_BEN_GET_FROM_FEATURE_VARGU     Evaluate the VARGU feature for an employee

HR_DISPLAY_BASIC_LIST     is an HR function, but can be used for any data. You pass it data, and column headers, and it provides a table control with the ability to manipulate the data, and send it to Word or Excel. Also see the additional documentation here.

HR_GET_LEAVE_DATA     Get all leave information (includes leave entitlement, used holidays/paid out holidays)

HR_IE_NUM_PRSI_WEEKS     Return the number of weeks between two dates.

HR_INFOTYPE_OPERATION     BAPI function module to create/change infotypes in HR
HRWPC_RFC_ABKRS_TEXT_GET      Get text description for Payroll Area

HRWPC_RFC_ANRED_TEXT_GET      Get text description for Title

HRWPC_RFC_ANSVH_TEXT_GET      Get text description for Work Contract

HRWPC_RFC_BLAND_TEXT_GET      Get text description for Tax Region

HRWPC_RFC_BTRTL_TEXT_GET      Get text description for Personnel Subarea

HRWPC_RFC_BUKRS_TEXT_GET      Get text description for Company Code

HRWPC_RFC_BVMRK_TEXT_GET      Get text description for Processing indicator

HRWPC_RFC_COMTY_TEXT_GET      Get text description for Type of control recipe destination

HRWPC_RFC_COUNC_TEXT_GET      Get text description for County Code

HRWPC_RFC_CURCY_TEXT_GET      Get text description for Currency Key

HRWPC_RFC_EVGRD_TEXT_GET      Get text description for Evaluation Group

HRWPC_RFC_FAMEI_TEXT_GET      Get text description for Family Characteristics

HRWPC_RFC_FAMST_TEXT_GET      Get text description for Marital Status Key

HRWPC_RFC_FISTL_TEXT_GET      Get text description for Funds Center

HRWPC_RFC_FREQU_TEXT_GET      Get text description for Period

HRWPC_RFC_GEBER_TEXT_GET      Get text description for Funds

HRWPC_RFC_GESCH_TEXT_GET      Get text description for Gender Key

HRWPC_RFC_GSBER_TEXT_GET      Get text description for Business Area

HRWPC_RFC_IT0XXX_TEXT_GET     Get text stored on the infotype

HRWPC_RFC_JCODE_TEXT_GET      Get text description for Survery Job

HRWPC_RFC_KOKRS_TEXT_GET      Get text description for Controlling Area

HRWPC_RFC_KONFE_TEXT_GET      Get text description for Religious Denomination Key

HRWPC_RFC_KOSTL_TEXT_GET      Get text description for Cost Center

HRWPC_RFC_LAND_TEXT_GET      Get text description for Country of company

HRWPC_RFC_MASSG_TEXT_GET      Get text description for Reason for Action

HRWPC_RFC_MASSN_TEXT_GET      Get text description for Action Type

HRWPC_RFC_MOLGA_TEXT_GET      Get text description for Country Grouping

HRWPC_RFC_NAMZ2_TEXT_GET      Get text description for Name Affix for Name at Birth

HRWPC_RFC_NAMZU_TEXT_GET      Get text description for Other Title

HRWPC_RFC_NATIO_TEXT_GET      Get text description for Nationality

HRWPC_RFC_ORGEH_TEXT_GET      Get text description for Organizational Unit

HRWPC_RFC_OTYPE_TEXT_GET      Get text description for Object Type

HRWPC_RFC_PERSG_TEXT_GET      Get text description for Employee Group

HRWPC_RFC_PERSK_TEXT_GET      Get text description for Employee Subgroup

HRWPC_RFC_PLANS_TEXT_GET      Get text description for Position

HRWPC_RFC_PLVAR_TEXT_GET      Get text description for Plan Version

HRWPC_RFC_RAILW_TEXT_GET      Get text description for Social Subscription Railway

HRWPC_RFC_SACHX_TEXT_GET      Get text description for Administrator

HRWPC_RFC_SPRSL_TEXT_GET      Get text description for Language Key

HRWPC_RFC_STATV_TEXT_GET      Get text description for Statistics indicator for pensions

HRWPC_RFC_STELL_TEXT_GET      Get text description for Job

HRWPC_RFC_STRDS_TEXT_GET      Get text description for Street Abbreviation

HRWPC_RFC_SUBTY_0XXX_TEXT_GET     Get text description for Subtype

HRWPC_RFC_SUBTY_1XXX_TEXT_GET     Get text description for Subtype

HRWPC_RFC_TITEL_TEXT_GET      Get text description for Title

HRWPC_RFC_TITL2_TEXT_GET      Get text description for Second Title

HRWPC_RFC_TMART_TEXT_GET      Get text description for Task Type

HRWPC_RFC_VDSK1_TEXT_GET      Get text description for Organizational Key

HRWPC_RFC_VORS2_TEXT_GET      Get text description for Second Name Prefix

HRWPC_RFC_VORSW_TEXT_GET      Get text description for Name Prefix

HRWPC_RFC_WERKS_TEXT_GET      Get text description for Personnel Area

INIT_TEXT     To load long text into SAP

K_WERKS_OF_BUKRS_FIND     Return a list of all plants for a given company code.

LIST_FROM_MEMORY     Retrieves the output of a report from memory when the report was executed using SUBMIT... EXPORTING LIST TO MEMORY. See also WRITE_LIST.

LIST_TO_ASCII     convert an ABAP report (displayed on screen) from OTF to ASCII format

MBEW_EXTEND     Get the stock position for the previous month. This displays the same info that you see in MM03.

MONTH_NAMES_GET     It returns all the month and names in repective language.

MONTH_PLUS_DETERMINE     Add or subtract months from a date. To subtract a month, enter a negative value for the 'months' parameter.